The first snow of the season on the Mont Ventoux

The first snow of the season on the Mont Ventoux

First snow on the Mont Ventoux from the kitchen window

It’s official … autumn is drawing to a close and winter is officially here.

The first snow of the season has been spotted from the kitchen window on the Mont Ventoux.
DH is all excited about snow shoeing and taking BabyinProvence up to play in the snow …

I, on the other hand, am thinking about admiring the view in front of a log fire with a cup of mulled wine whilst searching for the perfect snow suit for BabyinProvence!

8 thoughts on “The first snow of the season on the Mont Ventoux

  1. Cheryl

    But, each answer seems a bit contrived because it often depends on knowing which Bible verse, sometimes out of context, should be applied in each
    situation. As we were working lists and finding all those kids, I remember sitting in my office and looking
    out my window. ‘ Each person who has placed their trust in the finished work of atonement that Jesus accomplished on the cross must die to self
    so that the work of Jesus can increase in their life.


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