When I was pregnant with BiP I contemplated cloth diapering … then I thought about it and decided that if we were going to practice Elimination Communication then maybe we’d be better off just skipping the whole cloth diapering thing. In all honesty I am not sure how much more environmentally friendly they are – ok shoot me … yes, disposable diapers clog landfills but cloth diapers use gallons of water and electricity – in many cases, the jury is out on what is better for your baby’s butt.
But do you wear paper panties?
No, I don’t wear paper panties but, quite frankly, BiP knows the difference which is why she now prefers to pee in the toilet at 13m. I am not a hardcore ECer – I practice it when I can and the fact of the matter is, cloth diapers are more of a hindrance than a help.
The guilt
I feel guilty on so many levels.
1 – that I didn’t start cloth diapering sooner (we started at 9months)
2 – at the financial investment that I made in the whole system
3 – that I hate using them so much that I force myself to use them
The love affair that never happened is over.
Forget the laundry – that’s not an issue … I actually LOVE doing laundry (I just hate putting it away) I just find them too bulky and too hard to take off. I did try to love them but the love affair never happened.
Yes, I guess I am an eco-terrorist but cut me some slack – BiP looks like she will be diaper free in a few months and at the moment our diaper consumption is enough to make Pampers cry.
They ARE super cute, they are adorable – but I don’t plan to traditionally potty train so I know I won’t make the best use out of them!
Long story short they are boxed up and ready to be shipped to a new home to someone who will most likely have a lot more fun with them than I did!
Anyone else failed at cloth diapering?