Today BiP is 9 months old. We reached a breastfeeding milestone that I never thought we’d manage; 9 months!
I can’t say it has been an easy journey but it certainly has been a rewarding one. Countless people have questioned, and even scorned, my breastfeeding BiP – not that it has been anyone’s business!
The pain, the cracked nipples, the agonising feeds, of the early days which left me totally exasperated, covered in lanolin, and mostly topless, have faded into the past. Over supply and forceful let down led me to the local milk bank where I donated all the excess milk BiP couldn’t consume. Months later I was still dealing with excruciating pain whenever I fed on one side, tests and scans proved inconclusive and was probably due to bad latch that was too late to correct – the advice I was given was to wean as my milk had no nutritional value and it was abnormal to breastfeed at 7 months old … ummm … thanks! Last week I dealt with my first bite, wow, no one tells you how much that is going to hurt, but what hurt more was the look on BiP’s face when I told her that biting wasn’t going to work and that we would have to stop feeding if she continued – it made me cry, both from the physical pain and the thought of stopping so soon. But, as always, we figured it out and we are back on track.
Fortunately I have been lucky enough to use the negative comments and turn them into a positive and continue with what I felt was right… The internet is a precarious world with, often faceless, people there to throw support your way and I have been encouraged by so many people I know only by screen names yet their support has been invaluable! Now that we’ve reached this milestone I have decided that I’ll be leaving it up to BiP to decide how much longer we continue!
Thank you to all those mama’s (and a couple of dad’s) for all your support in getting us to where we are today!
Words cannot express how proud I am. Living in an anti-breastfeeding culture like France this is more than an achievement its really a milestone. Lots of pain, tears, sleep deprivation and a WHOLE LOT OF Mummy love to get there.
Thank you darling! I could not have done it without your love and support! Love you x
You have done so awesome bfing BiP for 9 months! Definitely a milestone to be proud of!
Thank you Leah! 🙂
Thank you
Great job! Nine months is a milestone! It sounds like you worked through so many difficulties. How rewarding to have achieved this regardless of the struggles! It feels good to trust your instincts, doesn’t it? Nursing a toddler has its own set of rewards!
Thanks Kris – this is an old post – we just hit 17m yesterday!