Lingerie for Children in France

Children's lingerie

sexy kids in advertising

The girl in the background is advertising the 6 month - 3 yr collection. In the foreground is 4 - 12 yrs. : Jours Apres Lunes

Children should be kept children for as long as possible. If innocence could be bottled I’d be the first customer.

Sexualisation of minors

Today I was sent a link from a UK newspaper about a French company who is blantantly sexualising minors as part of their advertising campaign.  I visited the site in question which is called “Jours apres lune” (Days after the moon) and was quite frankly saddened and disgusted.

How far is too far?

The sexualisation of minor in advertising is going too far. It’s not the first time I have posted about this subject and I feel that a greater force needs to come in to play. A child lounging scantily clad in pearls and sunglasses is NOT the natural pose of a pre-pubesent girl.  Art directors and marketing managers are clearly on something to let this fly. Iconising Lolita is distasteful and downright dangerous. Where do you draw the line? Personally I feel any child, posed like an adult, is crossing the line when the word “sexy” or “hot” can be applied.

As a mother, a marketer, a sexual abuse survior and as a human I call for everyone to boycott such companies that stoop so low to sexualise CHILDREN.

What do you think, is the sexualisation of minors EVER ok?

20 thoughts on “Lingerie for Children in France

  1. emma.

    That is completely disgusting. It’s never okay. It’s not even close to okay. Uuuuuggggh it really upsets me.

  2. C

    We got into this on facebook yesterday.

    I’m not happy with a baby/toddler in a bikini. My MIL bought my daughter one when she was like a year old. She wore it once, I snapped the photo and then promptly “lost” it…and explained to her that there were to be NO MORE bikinis in the future.

    I feel that it’s okay for children to play dress up. But they don’t need 3/4/5 year old sized BRAS, or to take photos of them lounging. My two year old has played with my bra, but she put the cups over her feet, like socks, which amused me (luckily it was a cheaper bra).

    I want my daughter to have a healthy sexuality, and I understand that it is developmentally appropriate for a 12 year old to be dipping her toes into that exploration and to want to play with her look/play at looking older. But there’s creating a safe space for her to do that (in her room), and an unsafe space (the public sphere).

    It’s appropriate for my daughter to know that she has a vulva, and that women have vulvas and men have penises (AND vulvas! she says…we’re working on it). It is appropriate for us to have said to her that only certain people should touch her vulva and only under specific circumstances (helpign her bathe, changing diapers, etc).

    It’s appropriate and fine that we’ve played at letting her wear nail polish on her toes (in Singapore it’s rare for a woman NOT to have a pedi, so she’s fascinated by it).

    It is appropriate for her to own panties that have disney princesses on them.

    I’m not buying her a faux bra and a lacy panty. Not at 3. When she needs to wear a bra, I’m fine with letting her buy a cute matching set or 4, but that’s years away…and we’ll have a discussion about what forums are appropriate to wear those/share those in (IE, not facebook, blogs, etc).

    1. Ameena Falchetto Post author

      I totally agree. I don’t take massive issue with the clothing to be honest – it’s the way it’s marketed and advertised that makes me feel sick.

      If these images were found on someone’s computer they would be called a paedophile. Why when it’s used for “advertising” is it ok?

  3. Sini

    It makes me sick. I already feel sometimes disgusted of ads of adults selling with sex, like that is the only thing that will work. I think the marketing (clothes,perfumes etc) is totally on the wrong track now.

  4. Bill Dorman

    How about never, ever. I do volunteer work for an organization where I am the ‘voice’ for some kids in foster care. More times than not there is some type of sexual abuse involved. These kids are afraid to talk about it because they know they will be taken out of the house.

    Where these kids are not only growing up in a messed up family where this becomes the norm, I think the more we blur the line on what is acceptable and what is not just makes this kind of abuse ‘more acceptable’ when in reality it is not, ever.

    People really should speak with their wallets and say ‘no more’.

    Nice post, great new look and a very happy birthday to you ma’am; hope it’s a great one.

    1. Ameena Falchetto Post author

      Thanks Bill … no new look here… other side!

      I agree with you – this is WRONG.

  5. Carol

    I think it’s fine for little girls to wear it. But the images of these girls in bikinis in an ad (how much more if these are in billboards?!), I just feel they are unappropriate. The way that it is also inappropriate for adults to sell products in their bikinis.

  6. lisa

    The maker of these bra’s and panties is a pedophile!!! Now what 7 or 8 year old needs a bra? I didn’t start wearing my FIRST TRAINING BRA UNTIL I WAS 12 YEARS OLD…AND AT 13 I GOT MY FIRST MATCHING SET!

    1. Ameena Falchetto Post author

      I don’t take issue with the clothes per se – its the way it’s advertised that makes me want to cry.

  7. nmaha

    I don’t know if I’m more scared or angry. The only revealing ads with kids should be those cute indistinguishable bottoms in a diaper ad. Anything else is too much.

    Aren’t there enough perverts out there without awakening sleeping ones?

    1. Ameena Falchetto Post author

      I agree. It’s not the clothes – I have no problem seeing kids in bathing suits playing like CHILDREN on the beach or jumping into a pool – sexy poses just makes me gag.

  8. Jessica

    I’m speechless. Those ads truly are scary and so inappropriate. I don’t think minors should ever, ever be sexualized. I want to say more, but am so shocked that I can’t. Wow.

    1. Ameena Falchetto Post author

      I felt the same way when I saw the images. Makes my blood boil. Spreading the world and raising awareness on how this is NOT ok will be my mission.

  9. Rajka Milanovic Galbraith aka Expatdoctormom


    Thanks Ameena for shedding light on this. Just terrible. Our job as mothers is to protect our children. What were the mothers of the children thinking as well as these advertisers?

    Along the lines but different is the exploitation of children for reality t.v. and talk shows: The hot sauce mom on Dr Phil, toddlers and tiaras etc etc. There needs to be regulations against this! It is sick to think of this as public entertainment!

    Love the new look to the site!

  10. Milla

    I read a similar headline last week and to be honest, I didn’t bother to read the article/look at the images because surely lingerie for children was a joke. Apparently not.

    This is just such a mind-blowingly stupid, irresponsible and unnecessary campaign. How did this get from the board room table to actual ad campaigns? Why didn’t someone stop them? I don’t believe that you need to be a parent to understand how dangerous and unacceptable such a campaign is, and the fact that the advertising authorities didn’t prevent this from being published is beyond me.

    As a toddler back in the early 80s, I had a teddy bear bikini and my mum would take me to play in the paddling pool. Back there, it wouldn’t be uncommon for a little one to be running around nude, but it was innocent in those days. When I look at my baby photographs from that period, I see the freedom and innocence my parents were able to have. It is so sad the way that our world has changed.

  11. Bibsey Mama

    I agree that it is not so much the clothes (in this instance anyway) but the nature of the pictures that is a concern. I do wonder how campaigns that sexualise children ever see the light of day.

    So many people will be involved in the realisation of these shots. Did no one feel a little uncomfortable?

    Regarding little girls wearing bikinis. I don’t have a problem with it. They tend to like to dress up (not ‘cover up’), and there are some really pretty (appropriate) bikinis available.


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