Did you know that most stock cubes are full of salt, gluten, monosodium glutamate and other things you really would be better off not eating?
Yes, they are convenient but nothing beats homemade chicken stock. Once you see how easy it is to make (and how delicious it is) you’ll throw out your stock cubes.
You can use virtually any left over vegetables you have. Avoid cabbage, broccoli etc as they have a strong taste that can overpower the stock.
Paleo French Cooking Presents:
Healthy Chicken Stock Recipe
Preparation time: 5 mins Cooking time: 1.5hrs.
- Roast chicken carcass with skin and meat removed
- 2 carrots
- 2 sticks of celery
- 2/3 small turnips
- 1 large onion
- 1 leek
- 1 handful of fresh parsley
- 1 tsp Herbes de Provence
- 1 tsp whole peppercorns
- OPTIONAL: 1 large potato (NOT paleo)
- 2 litres of water (variable)
- Put all the chicken bones into a large pot
- Roughly chop all the vegetables into large chunks
- Add peppercorns and herbs
- Fill the pan with water until everything is 3/4’s covered
- Bring to the boil
- Cover and simmer for 1.5 hrs
- Take off the heat and let cool
- Pour the stock through a sieve into a bowl
- Your stock is ready. You can freeze it or use it straight away for soups and stews.
- You can eat the vegetables from the stock too!
Tip! You can use the stock to cook rice or risotto (not paleo but very nutritious)!
Bon Appétit!
I love winter, the broth, the soupes, the stews and my speciality….(wait for it) Pot au feu. I might just guest post that one 🙂
mmmmmm, think I’ll be making that later in the week…